AWHP is proud to be a leader and member of several impactful stakeholder coalitions that are working to advance our four policy pillars: addressing social and environmental factors, advancing access to care and treatment, early detection and diagnosis, and advancing vaccine access and affordability.

Led by AWHP with the support of 17 other leading organizations across the healthcare space, the EveryBODY Covered campaign is working to ensure that everybody has access to evidence-based obesity care options. Comprehensive obesity care should be covered just as care for other chronic diseases is covered—it’s only fair.

HPV Cancers Alliance exists to empower individuals with knowledge about the impact HPV has on health and lifestyle. HPV Alliance is dedicated to helping the medical community and individuals take the necessary actions to prevent and treat the virus and eliminate its consequences.

The Data Equity Coalition is a partnership to improve health outcomes through better, more accurate and more representative data on race, ethnicity and language (REL) and sexual orientation and gender identification (SOGI). Developing a standardized approach to this important data can be critical to ensuring everyone in America has an equal opportunity to attain their highest level of health.

The Obesity Care Advocacy Network (OCAN) works to increase access to evidence-based obesity treatments by uniting key stakeholders and the broader obesity community around significant education, policy and legislative efforts. OCAN envisions a future where obesity is fully recognized and treated as a complex chronic disease.

The COVID-19 Vaccine Education and Equity Project (CVEEP) was established to serve as a trusted source of information and a leader of discussions among organizations representing a variety of communities that face challenges from infectious respiratory illness, particularly diverse communities that have been most harmed by the effects of respiratory illness.

The Coalition to Strengthen Bone Health brings together the voices and strengths of aging, family caregiver, women’s health, and bone health advocates to raise awareness about the importance of bone health and the impact of osteoporosis and bone fractures on families and taxpayers and help advance evidence-based policy solutions to improve bone health.

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