AWHP Statement on Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Obesity Medication Coverage Decision 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 (Washington, DC) — In response to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan’s decision to discontinue coverage of obesity medications in its fully insured large group commercial plans, Alliance for Women’s Health & Prevention (AWHP) CEO Millicent Gorham issued the following statement: 

“We are deeply disappointed by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan’s decision to discontinue coverage of obesity medicines in their fully insured large group plans. This decision perpetuates the notion that obesity is not worthy of treatment, despite the fact that it is recognized as a chronic disease that carries substantial health risks. This decision also raises significant health equity concerns, given that obesity has a particular impact on women and people of color. 

AWHP recognizes the challenges that health plans are facing when it comes to balancing the health and well-being of beneficiaries with their financial responsibilities; however, medications are one of several important evidence-based tools in the obesity care toolbox, and it is only fair that those who are eligible for these medications have access to them through their health insurance. 

Stigma around obesity is pervasive in our healthcare system and decisions like this one only perpetuate the myths around obesity and the challenges that people living with obesity face. We encourage health plans, employers, and manufacturers to work together collaboratively to come up with solutions that enhance access to obesity care.” 


About AWHP 

The Alliance for Women’s Health and Prevention is a non-partisan 501(c)(4) non-profit organization working to ensure that all women and girls have access to high-quality preventive care. Our mission is to advance policy that drives equitable access and prevents the burden and progression of disease to improve the lives and health of all women and girls. 

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